“When I looked at it a week later, it had blown up,” Grivas told Polygon via email. Grivas said he wasn’t expecting anything to come out of it, but thought it was a funny idea and knew there was a bit if a cult fanbase surrounding the movie, so decided to give it a shot. 3, Grivas uploaded a video, “Bee movie trailer but every time they say bee it gets faster” to a secret YouTube account called Avoid At All Costs and forgot about it. Grivas, a comedian and video editor, quickly saw the opportunity as a way to add his contribution to a longtime running meme on the internet surrounding Bee Movie. The group sits at over 1,700 members and is a combination of beekeepers, bee enthusiasts and, of course, devoted fans of Jerry Seinfeld’s 2007 animated film, Bee Movie. When Darcy Grivas was added to the Melbourne Bee Team on Facebook, he didn’t know what to make of it.